We need women who are strong …so they can be gentle.
We need women who are educated…so they can be humble
We need women who are fierce…so they can be compassionate
We need women who are compassionate…so they can be rational
We need women who are disciplined…so they can be free!
Kavita Ramdas, excerpt from Evolution of Goddess By Emma Mildon
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About me
I have always been on the lookout for Goddesses. All my life I’ve been meeting women and thinking “yup…she’s a Goddess!” It didn’t have anything to do with what she looked like per se, but more about an extraordinary power that she emanated. She was the kind of woman that, when she walked away from a conversation, would elicit a “WOW! Feminine, fierce, proud, compassionate, intelligent, and sexy with a subtle dose bitchery, this woman was turned on, and tuned in! I have been collecting Goddesses my whole life as is witnessed in my obsession with Sophia Loren, Anita Ekberg, and of course Aphrodite.

The Crown Goddess
A Crown Goddess possesses radical self-awareness, compassion and love. In coaching, we examine your beliefs and challenge the story you tell yourself about yourself. We unlock the power within you, a power that is not beholden to anything external, but to a mindfulness and clarity that comes from within. Learn More
The Wonder Woman Goddess
The Wonder Woman Goddess has presence, courage, independence, passion…and a whole lot of sass! Goddess mentoring involves becoming conscious of behaviour, articulating dreams, and acknowledging desires. Goddess is yours to shape, as you become not only the driver of your own destiny, but most importantly, the creator of it. Learn More
The evolution to understanding and harnessing Goddess power is built upon a solid foundation of love. The Goddess-in-me curriculum involves, being present on the journey from who you thought you were to who you really are. Tune into your wisdom and intuition and gain an empowered understanding of your DIVINE FEMININE POWER. Learn More
The Goddess-preneur
Your ideas and passions are important as they reflect uniquely who you are. Together we can develop your ideas, give them structure, shape and focus, unleashing the genius that is yours to the world. Learn More

Working Together
Goddess Coaching
Goddess Coaching is a highly individualized, deeply personal process. The initial consultation is free of charge and we can customize a plan that meets both your personal and budgetary needs.
Coaching can be facilitated in person or virtually through Skype, FaceTime and Zoom platforms.Let’s connect, get to know one other and see if Goddess Coaching resonates with you. It all starts with a great conversation!
It will be my honour to be the Crown Goddess accompanying your journey to the mythical, magical and Divine YOU!
Goddess-in-Me curriculum
Groups are kept to a maximum of 6 participants through a teaching cycle in order to
offer personalized service and deep
Goddess-in-Me Curriculum, Full course – $ 800.00 plus taxes
Includes all materials, journals and individual coaching ( includes 2, 30 minute sessions)
4 week duration
10am – 1pm
Saturday mornings. Next cycle beginning in
September 2019
Location, Montreal, TBD
Schedule a Consultation
It all starts with a deep and meaningful conversation in a safe environment where you are listened to and heard. Goddess, you have all the answers inside you, sometimes you just need a fellow Goddess illuminating the way.
Guest Speaker and Panelist
Speaker and panelist on a variety of topics
On spiritual personal growth and the Divine Feminine Self
Critical Mentorship for Young Women
Authentically Living from a Place of Pleasure
From “So what”…to “What if” The Power of Doing it Scared
From Rupture to Rapture, Rage to Redemption
Get in Touch
Complimentary Consultation
A complimentary meeting provides the opportunity to discuss your goals, and see how we can work together.
Flexible Schedule
I understand how busy life can be so I’m happy to work together to fit within your schedule.
Fully Confidential
Your privacy is very important to us therefore a confidentiality agreement is always signed at the outset.