The Wonder Woman Goddess

The Wonder Woman Goddess…EmpowerMe

Mentorship for women under 35

GoddessMe will light the path to understanding and crystallizing your journey into full Goddess Bad-Ass-ery!.  If you look at the journey of Wonder Woman, she had to leave the safety and security of Paradise Island to find her real power.  With every obstacle encountered,  Wonder Woman challenged herself out of her comfort zone leading to the crystallization of her superpowers; Heart, Hope, Heroics and Optimism.  She was born Divine child of Zeus, but only really became Wonder Woman through the understanding and accepting of her compassionate, caring, stubborn, vulnerable, strong, powerful, opinionated, beautiful, hot self!  Though relentless bravery Wonder Woman discovered the Goddess she already was.

As mature Goddesses, it is fundamental to cultivate Divinity in our young women. The demands of a challenging global workplace, coupled with the impact and influence of social media, have left  a generation of women struggling with low self-esteem and a sense of hopelessness. We encounter a generation raised on technology looking for human contact, looking to be heard and to rise above the clutter and noise that has defined their lives.  Going back to basics means,  ‘connection’ is inspired conversation rather than plugging into a computer,  and where ‘facetime’  is defined as sitting across from your Coach. Enlightenment comes from talking about what is on your mind, being witnessed and heard in a kind loving, nurturing environment and putting together a life plan that nourishes your desires.  It’s about passing on the secrets of the Divine Feminine to a new generation of women who will grow more empowered into maturity than previous ones.

GoddessMe will mentor and coach you through personal and professional goals, gently guiding the way for you to tap into and grow your very own Superpowers!