My Story of Love

I breathed you at the piano. A baby grand Beside your bed A presence For any baby… In asylum from my light, I savoured of your darkness, an intoxicating dizzying melody of promise, linked to every other promise, since forever. … Read More

Riding Rupture

Sweat pours As she rages gracefully Cycling miles To nowhere Compelled to sob In the darkness Assaulting music Strikes her solitude Jarring wounds That open way too easily An occupied corner Of the real world. Swirling disco lights A rambunctious … Read More

If I Measured…

If I measured In centimeters The multitude of tears I have cried Since I have been well The universe would be Invaded with such waters That all levies would be destroyed In a tsunami Engulfing everything Leaving nothing but the … Read More

Aphrodite at the Brink…

Sacred pussy It’s me Miss Directed Miss Aligned Miss Guided Mister-she to All That is How can I find who I am Again Where in darkness All I feel Are the jumbled up Shaken not stirred Musings of a mind … Read More

Light in Dark Corners

Crimson crimped tresses Enrobed in a silky white damask dress, Intricate threads of rose golden train into endlessness… As her arms expand Elongated sleeves blow gently Whispering into eternity As she elevates towards the ethers. Arriving She stands before a sphere … Read More

The thought of you.

From Before Two In the cool car sexy In our agelessness I look at you. The family in your green eyes That comfort me. The bow of your mouth That kisses me. The broad of your shoulders That hold me. … Read More

…and so it was

there was I… Swept up by raging undercurrents Looking at a sky That offered punishing grey Slapping stinging rain drops That cut me like fine shards of glass Impaling bodies with my sword Spurting blood on all that moves Slicing … Read More